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Cadbury Chocobakes

Cadbury Chocobakes


Product details

Chocobakes are a decadent dessert that has a layer of rich chocolate ganache topped with a fluffy chocolate mousse. The cake is then covered in a light layer of whipped cream and chocolate chips. This dessert is perfect for a special occasion or for when you just want to indulge. Each Cadbury Chocobake is made with an all-natural, real cocoa chocolate ganache, and a rich chocolate mousse. To make this dessert even more decadent, it is topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with chocolate chips. This product is perfect for those who are looking for a sweet treat, but don't want to have to bake it themselves. The Cadbury Chocobake is easy to prepare and is ready in just 15 minutes. All you need to do is let it cool for about 10 minutes and then enjoy!

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